Patience, patience...

Do you have a WIP or a UFO? A big one? Perhaps a HAED? :)

Cross-stitchers are a patient lot; we find solace and peace in our quiet little corners, quietly stitching square by square by square, until the whole picture is finally finished, months or years later. Except that... I cannot claim to be one of those very patient cross-stitchers myself.  You see, I kinda like to see my finished work(s) within days. Or hours.

But, in the old old days, not knowing any better, I started a huge piece. Struggled for months. Added sweat and tears to the threads. One of my earliest finished piece is now hanging in my living room. Here it is!

Completed in the early 1990s, I think it took me a year and a half to finish and frame. After that, STILL not knowing any better, I started on another big piece, and it became a UFO. One day, more than a decade later, I fished it out of storage to find spots on the cloth... nope, it would never be finished. Sobs... what a waste! New plan... find something new to sew! And sew..., and so, I found another great design and started stitching with a vengeance in 2011... 3 years on, yup, it' still another half-baked UFO. What a depressing post this is, you say.

Patience, patience... but surely, cross-stitch ought to be easier??!